
Early childhood is the best time to introduce coding, robotics, and engineering. Young minds are like sponges and very curious and interested in the world around them, in today’s world they are already exposed to various technologies. Integrating robotics and coding into early childhood education helps to promote positive, creative, and educational side of technology.  Teaching of Robotics and coding, during early childhood offers teachers with another tool in their tool kit that helps them to engage students in an exciting and fun way. Studies have shown that students develop concepts of technology and engineering very quick. Putting the Robot Kits together offers learning with less screen time and more hands-on concepts of engineering. These lessons are the T and E of a STEM curriculum in the school. 

Our Curriculum makes this easier than you may think.


Citations  García-Valcárcel-Muñoz-Repiso, Ana & Caballero Gonzalez, Yen. (2019). Robotics to develop computational thinking in early Childhood Education. Comunicar. 27. 10.3916/C59-2019-06.   Umaschi Bers, M. and Sullivan, Amanda (2015), Robotics Paper [PDF] retrieved from